Item #CC-PBB10: 10mm round porcelain bead stretch bracelet (two colors available). Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #CC-PBB512: Stretch bracelet with 12mm round Porcelain beads in assorted colors and patterns. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #CC-PBB15: 15mm round Porcelain bead stretch bracelet (assorted colors and patterns). Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-MXG-BB-5: 8mm round mixed natural, dyed and man-made gemstone bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-AM-BSB-8: 8mm round Amethyst bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-CRN-BSB-7: 8mm round Carnelian bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-GTE-BSB-8: 8mm round Golden Tiger's Eye bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-SNQ-BSB-6: 8mm round Snow Quartz bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-ASDL-BSB-4: African Sodalite chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-AMZ-SB-6: Amazonite nugget bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-ASST-BSB-3: Assorted gemstone chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-AS-CHP-15: Lot of ten assorted gemstone chip bead stretch bracelets. Fits 7-8” wrist.
Item #IGM-CHP-BSB-5-10: Lot of five assorted gemstone chip bead stretch bracelets. Fits 7-8” wrist.
Item #IGM-AG-BSB-8: Assorted shape and gemstone bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #BXAQ-BSB-15: Stretch bracelet with 10mm round Black Onyx beads and 12mm round Aquamarine bead. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #BO-BSB-8: 8mm round Black Onyx bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-BLCA-BSB-6: Blue Lace Agate chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #BT-LEP-FL-10: 12mm round Blue Tiger's Eye, 8mm round Lepidolite & fancy Fluorite bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #BRG-TE-BSB-25: 8mm, 10mm & 12mm round Blue, Red & Golden Tiger's Eye bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-BSWA-BSB-4: Botswana Agate chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-CHK-BR-4: Chakra gemstone chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-CHPS-BSB-6: Chrysoprase chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #CH-SQ-TQ-8: 10mm & 12mm round Chrysoprase, Snow Quartz and Arizona Turquoise bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-CIT-BSB-6: Citrine chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #DJ-PJC-BSB-5: Dalmatian Jasper freeform bead stretch bracelet with 8mm round Paintbrush Jasper & Carnelian beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #QG-SRB1307: Stretch bracelet with 3mm and 14mm round dyed Howlite beads and 12mm round Black Onyx beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #FM-AV-SQ-4: 8mm round Feldspar with Mica & Green Aventurine bead stretch bracelet with 6mm round Snow Quartz beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-FL-SBB-4: Fluorite chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-GNT-BSB-4: Garnet Chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-GCB-6: Glass & crystal bead stretch bracelet in assorted colors. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #TE-NDL-BSB-10: Golden Tiger's Eye nugget and 8mm round Silver Needle Agate bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-TE-NBSB-4: Golden Tiger's Eye nugget stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #BJ-HJ-BSB-5: 8mm round Hematite & Braciated Jasper bead stretch bracelet with 16mm heart shape Jasper/Hematite beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #HMT-BSB-4: 8mm round Hematite bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #HPJC-BSB-4: 8mm round Hematite & Poppy Jasper bead stretch bracelet with 10mm round Carnelian beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-LAB-BSB-5: Labradorite nugget bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #LL-RWM-BSB-15: 5mm, 6mm and 10mm round Lapis Lazuli bead stretch bracelet with 4mm round Rainbow Moonstone beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #MBOX-RC-7: 13x18mm oval and 18mm cushion Marbled Onyx and Red Coral bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #MX-OPC-BSB-750: Mexican Fire Opal nugget and 6mm Carnelian bead stretch bracelet. Fits 8" wrist.
Item #IGM-S1031219027: Morganite chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-OBS-BSB-8: 10mm round Obsidian bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-PER-BSB-6: Peridot chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-PRN-BSB-4: Prehnite chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #RC-FWP-DP-4 : Treated purple coin shaped Fresh Water Cultured Pearl stretch bracelet with 6mm and 10mm Rock Crystal beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #RPDJ-BSB-4: Stretch bracelet with 8mm round Rainbow Jasper, 6mm round Paintbrush Jasper and 10mm round Dalmation Jasper beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #DRC-SNW-RC-6: 13x15mm nugget Dyed Red Coral Bead stretch bracelet with 9-10mm round Dyed Red Coral, Snowflake Obsidian and Frosted Rock Crystal beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #RHD-BSB-5: 8mm round Rhodonite bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #RH-SQ-DJ-5: Stretch bracelet with 8mm round Rhodonite, 10mm round Smoky Quartz and 4mm & 6mm round Dalmation Jasper beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #RHY-BSB-4: 8mm round Rhyolite bead stretch bracelet with 18mm disc shape Rhyolite beads. Fits 7"-8" wrist.
Item #IGM-RXTL-BSB-4: Rock Crystal chip bead stretch bracelet. Fits 7"-8" wrist.