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Displaying products 1 - 5 of 5 results
39-45mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-626)
Price: $60.00
39-45mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-626)
Item #AM-AMT-XLP-60: 39-45mm Amethyst sphere.
40-48mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-611)
Price: $40.00
40-48mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-611)
Item #AM-AMT-SPH-40: 40-48mm Amethyst sphere (Morocco).
49-52mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-606)
Price: $100.00
49-52mm Amethyst Sphere (GSE-606)
Item #AM-SPH-50-100: 49-52mm Amethyst sphere (Brazil).
8" Amethyst Egg On Stand (GSE-631)
Price: $750.00
8" Amethyst Egg On Stand (GSE-631)
Item #AM-AMT-EG-IR-750: 8" Amethyst egg on iron stand (Uruguay).
95mm Amethyst Geode Sphere (GSE-602)
Price: $400.00
95mm Amethyst Geode Sphere (GSE-602)
Item #AM-GEO-SPH-400: 95mm Amethyst Geode sphere of 2.81 lbs.(Brazil).