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Item #VGC-35: The House of Onyx and Crystal Gallery "You Melt My Heart" Valentine's Gem Candle by VII Candle Company. 10 oz. candle has a hidden heart shaped red or pink gem inside.
Item #GGC-40: The House of Onyx and Crystal Gallery “Glowing Gem” candle by VII Candle Company. The scent combines peach, vanilla and cotton for a one-of-kind scent. 13 oz. candle has a hidden gem inside. One in 500 candles has a gem valued at $500.00.
Item #SCG-40: The House of Onyx and Crystal Gallery “Frosted Cranberries" Snow Covered Gems Candle by VII Candle Company. 15 oz. candle has a hidden gem inside. One in 500 candles has a Ruby valued at over $500.00 inside.