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Displaying products 91 - 105 of 105 results
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Polished Colignoceras Ammonite Fossil Split Pair (FO-384)
Price: $250.00
Polished Colignoceras Ammonite Fossil Split Pair (FO-384)
Item #AM-AMM-FPR-250-B: 4.25"x5.5" polished Colignoceras Ammonite fossil split pair (Tulear, Madagascar).
Polished Colignoceras Ammonite Fossil Split Pair (FO-385)
Price: $250.00
Polished Colignoceras Ammonite Fossil Split Pair (FO-385)
Item #AM-AMM-FPR-250-C: 5"x5.75" polished Colignoceras Ammonite fossil split pair (Tulear, Madagascar).
Polished Iridescent Ammonite (MS-717)
Price: $25.00
Polished Iridescent Ammonite (MS-717)
Item #AM-IR-AMM-25: 1.5"x1.5" polished iridescent Ammonite fossil.
Polished Orthoceras Fossil (FO-339)
Price: $50.00
Polished Orthoceras Fossil (FO-339)
Item #FO-339: Average 3"x7" Polished Orthoceras fossil.
Polished Orthoceras Fossil in Matrix (FO-331)
Price: $10.00
Polished Orthoceras Fossil in Matrix  (FO-331)
Item #FO-331: Polished Orthoceras fossil in matrix ranging from 2" to 4 1/2" long.
Pyrolusite Dendrites (FO-338)
Price: $38.00
Pyrolusite Dendrites (FO-338)
Item #AM-PY-D-38: 4"x6" Pyrolusite Dendrites (Solnhoffen, Germany).
Rhacolepis Fossil Fish (FO-340)
Price: $95.00
Rhacolepis Fossil Fish (FO-340)
Item #FO-340: Approx. 7"-9"x2.5"x2 Rhacolepis fossil fish (Santana Formation, Brazil).
Sand Dollar Fossil (FO-402)
Price: $12.00
Sand Dollar Fossil (FO-402)
Item #BG-SND-DL-12: 25-27mm sand dollar fossil (Indonesia).
Sand Dollar Fossil (FO-403)
Price: $10.00
Sand Dollar Fossil (FO-403)
Item #BG-SND-DL-10: 22-24mm sand dollar fossil (Indonesia).
Shark Tooth Fossil Lot Of Five (FO-392)
Price: $5.00
Shark Tooth Fossil Lot Of Five (FO-392)
Item #IGM-SHKT-5-5: 15-20mm shark tooth fossil lot of five.
Silver-tone Pendant With Polished Ammonite Fossil (FO-382)
Price: $15.00
Silver-tone Pendant With Polished Ammonite Fossil  (FO-382)
Item #IGM-AMMF-P-15: Silver-tone pendant with polished Ammonite fossil.
Small Ammonite Fossil Box (FO-322)
Price: $18.00
Small Ammonite Fossil Box (FO-322)
Item #AF-BX-S-18: 2 1/2" round small Ammonite Fossil box (Morocco) with removable lid.
Split Ammonite (FO-343)
Price: $75.00
Split Ammonite (FO-343)
Item #FO-343: Approx. 2.75" Split Ammonite (Germany).
Wire-Wrapped Otodus Shark Tooth Fossil Pendant (FO-388)
Price: $6.00
Wire-Wrapped Otodus Shark Tooth Fossil Pendant (FO-388)
Item #IGM-SHTP-6: Approx. 20mm wire-wrapped Otodus shark tooth fossil pendant.
Wire-Wrapped Otodus Shark Tooth Fossil Pendant (FO-389)
Price: $10.00
Wire-Wrapped Otodus Shark Tooth Fossil Pendant (FO-389)
Item #IGM-SHTP-10: Approx. 30mm wire-wrapped Otodus shark tooth fossil pendant.
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